Encourage – to give courage. We as Christians are here to encourage one another. We live in scary times, we can use all the courage we can get. My pastor is down here from Burton Ohio. What an encouragement. When someone is tired, they become Discouraged. Cowardice soon follows. Their effectiveness and personal walk is affected. When they are Encouraged they are […]
Month: September 2017

Ecclesiastes 3:7 a time to be silent and a time to speak Cállate is Spanish for ‘shut up’. It’s ok to say it in Spanish, but not in English. Different countries and languages place emphasis on different words. For example, in English, we can say the word ‘stupid’ all day long without problems. In Spanish, however, you are likely to get […]

Proverbs 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. I am bald, not gray, but the same thing. Aging is all about self image and perception. Gray hair is nothing to be ashamed of. Baldness is painless. A wig or dyed hair is expensive, inconvenient, and doesn’t deceive anyone. Embrace your age! I personally […]

Proverbs 25:25 Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land. This is the week of the annual fair back in my home town. Hearing favorable reports about it on social media brings back a lot of good memories. The Geauga County Fair has always been good for the whole town. Everyone anxiously waits for the fair every year. It’s a great […]