The Jim Winner Home for At Risk Children is paid for. We received some nice donations, from Nicaraguans and other Central Americans as well a from the states. THANK YOU! Here’s our Executive Summary for the Jim Winner Home for At Risk Children: Our goal is to help ANY KID with the desire to escape […]
Month: May 2013
The Nature of God
God a lot of times helps us through our friends. We ask God to help us, our friends offer to help, but we ignore our friend’s help, thinking it isn’t spiritual enough. God is a lot less spiritual than we are, I think. On a spiritual note, we are bringing food to the dump to […]
The Orphanage Plan

“And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain: and when He was set, his disciples came unto him: And He opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit:for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn:for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for […]
Good NEWS!
We have an address where we can now receive normal sized packages without customs nightmares. (75% of the time, which is GREAT for here.!!!) You can NOT write off these boxes. They have to go through our non profit Charity River of Life to get the tax write off, but if you want to just […]
The Jim Winner Home for At Risk has been purchased (1 May 2013)
We bought the Jim Winner Home for At Risk Children. ( It is a large property, but the building NEEDS A LOT OF WORK. If you happen to know of any manly handy men who want to take a vacation to tropical Nicaragua, we could sure use a hand!y man) BTW we always need mommies […]
The Dump

The dump has been an ongoing love affair of mine for the past 3 decades. The needs are so glaring. Today there is a cold epidemic here. Colds, Diarrhea and Burns kill more kids down here than anything else. These kids are all walking around looking like glazed donuts. (Blame Bill Cosby for that one). […]