
27nov14 Enemies
Enemies are good. They are GREAT TEACHERS, if you let them be. Plus they teach you more about Jesus. I have always been a bleeding heart. When I was a kid, and they came out with BLACK Friday, I assumed it in honor of what happened to the good and kind indians AFTER the thanksgiving feast with their future enemies.

Enemies and invaders are bad. God, however, says that all things work together for the GOOD of those who love HIM. Romans 8-28

Habakuk (translated THE HUGGED ONE ) is famous for his verse in the Bible, telling us to Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. The key word I thought was write. Write the vision, and then other people could see what you are thinking and take off with it. Boy am I wrong. Habakuk in his warm and fuzzy, hugged state, asked God for help. So God said, ok,I will send the Caldeans. (the caldeans made the vikings and the huns look like pansies). So God fixed the situation by sending enemies to kill plunder and destroy.. WONDERFUL,! said Habakuk under his breath!! I am positive that was not what Habakuk had in mind. That was the vision that Habakuk wrote about, however, so the people that read it could RUN!

Look at Israel today. Amazing. God did help, through the enemies. The same enemies of Israel MADE Israel. The good news of Jesus was spread through people like Nero, Atila, Mao Tse-Tung etc. by christians running for their lives, with Jesus in their hearts. Without enemies, they would all be huddled in little holy places and no one else would get a chance to be saved. Plus they would have eventually probably on each other and kill each other off cause that is what human beings tend to do.

The kids we work with have many enemies. We think it is bad to have one or two enemies. The street children are constantly going at it with everyone. IF you love them, eventually you will not be their enemy. But it takes YEARS to gain their confidence, and REAL LOVE.

God will turn the badness of enemies into a blessing. Sun Tzu in the Art of War (an OCS mandatory read), said to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Jesus took it up a notch and said to LOVE THEM! Paul broke all records when he said in Romans 12-20 “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Man, if we teach these kids to love Jesus AND their enemies, they can be successful at anything in life.

So I am thankful for my enemies (usually), God hugs, (often in the form of sheep bites) AND the hugs from the beautiful kids en la chureca. And also for the lesson. RUN! Guard your heart with your feet if necessary., God has a plan. And He is ALWAYS good, and RIGHT!

winnie, kids and God Hugs video https://vimeo.com/113049379

Dean Peters


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