
Proverbs 16:31
Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.

I am bald, not gray, but the same thing.  Aging is all about self image and perception.  Gray hair is nothing to be ashamed of.  Baldness is painless.  A wig or dyed hair is expensive, inconvenient, and doesn’t deceive anyone.

Embrace your age!  I personally am having a blast at 60.  I am healthy (although I can’t run long distance anymore), my back’s good (although I can’t show off any more by carrying 200 lbs of rice on my head at a time), and I am more patient than ever (except I have an increasingly shrinking bully tolerance).

I say that to say, I can’t live like I did when I was 50, but as I learn my limits and stay within them, I feel better than ever.  A lot of things that stressed me out 5 years ago don’t even phase me now.  I can go shopping in jogging shorts with black dress shoes and socks, I sleep like a baby, I am not as upset about finances as I was even one year ago.  Things work out, as I have learned in my 60+ years.

Romans 8:28
New International Version
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

When I was in my 20’s I assumed I was in midlife crisis.  I lost my dad when he was relatively young, so I just assumed that I was going to go at the same age.  People associate midlife with crisis.  It isn’t.  Well, if you aren’t a believer it is, because it means you’re not going to live forever.  But for a believer, it just keeps getting better and better.

It is so sad to see people who are dying of old age to be grasping at life.  Life is precious, but what is more precious is an everlasting relationship with God in heaven.  Meanwhile, every day is a bonus point.  It’s like a new beginning.

I read today that ‘yesterday is big only if you haven’t done anything today’.  As Americans we have so many options.  Too many options in my opinion.  God has permitted us to live this long to have more time to impact others.  I see it as a blessing.  Every day is an opportunity to impact another life for the Kingdom of God, for His glory.

Aging is great when you are living for the King.  As long as you are on the way to righteousness, looking to be Holy as He is Holy, you can’t lose.  It only gets better.  When I was lost and drowning in sin, I was like an old man.  My life was pathetic.  Then I met Jesus and He changed my life forever.  I became a young man at a pretty old age.  All things became new.

Every day is new, to this day!  Many years later and my old age is splendid!

Midlife to me doesn’t mean ‘crisis’, it means that I am in the ‘Midst of Life’.. like midnight.   When you are mid something, you are right in the middle of it.  You are at it’s fullest point.  Old age, crises, etc are all a mental state.  If you are mentally focusing on the Lord and His righteousness, every day is more delicious.  There is nothing to fear, and so much yet to gain and live for.

Life is borrowed, our earthly vessels are leased vehicles.  On loan from God, and He alone can dictate the term of the loans.  It’s a free loan, so we should be thankful and fully appreciative of every day He let’s us keep it.

Use your midlife to be about helping others. We are using our midlife to help children to reach their midlife. And also, to reach the ultimate goal, heaven.

Not a midlife crises but a midlife splendor.

Psalm 30:11
New International Version
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

Joyously yours,
Dean Peters

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