
Luke 2:47: “And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.”

Jesus has all the rightF answers, not just some of them.  If you want the right answer, ask Him, not man.

James 1:5 “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.”

Most of us want to serve God.  More than half of the people that receive this newsletter are Christians.   The other half are seekers.

Here are 2 basic questions that believers ask.

  1. Should I give tithes?  Tithing comes from the Old Testament and isn’t mentioned in the New Testament.  Extravagant giving to help others is mentioned but the formal church tithe wasn’t.  It depends on who you ask.  Some people will say yes.  Bible scholars and others often disagree.   I personally feel God wants me to tithe, and from the moment I started tithing faithfully I’ve been blessed financially.   You need to ask God, and obey Him immediately.  

People sometimes ask me the awkward question of whether they should donate to my ministry or not?’  My short answer is ‘ask God’   My long answer is the following.

-First part, it’s not for me, it’s for the children.  If we weren’t helping others, we wouldn’t ever ask for help.   We personally don’t need it for ourselves.  We only ask for donations so we can give more than just our own money. It is only to have more to give than we can by our own means.  100% of the donations goes straight to the kids.  All the service charges, admin. costs etc. we absorb through our own income.  Every penny that you give goes straight to the children.

-If you have any doubts whatsoever, please do not give up.  God loves a joyful giver.  Not a  reluctant, suspicious, angry giver.

-If the Lord leads you to give, (always accompanied by your own desire), give as unto the Lord.  He will bless you for your obedience.  I even know non-believers who have given that God has blessed.

  1. Should I go into ministry or the mission field full time? Let me start by saying you already are in ministry and the mission field, and have been since you got saved.

-Fleeces, prophets and signs for direction are generally mentioned in the Old Testament rather than the New Testament as well.   Personally speaking, God has used miracles in our lives to guide us, but mostly we know we are supposed to be missionaries specifically in our lives because that’s what God showed us.  We have the Holy Spirit in us as New Testament believers. To not be missionaries here would be sin for us, we know that through the Holy Spirit.  Are you called somewhere else?  ‘Ask God’.

-What are your desires?  God will speak to you through the desires of your heart.  He will never use your dislike of your job etc. to move you to the mission field.  He will guide you by His love.  If He isn’t guiding you by a passionate loving desire to be a missionary or minister, do not do it.

As in anything else, ask God.  Men may be asked of course, but remember they are all flawed, by personal ambitions, biases, hurts or their own experiences. It`s ok to ask others whom you trust and respect to give you help.  God uses Godly men to give Godly advice. But be careful.  A truly Godly man will generally not give unsolicited advice, as a rule. Seek counsel.

Prov 11:14 Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

Just remember that the final answer lies with God. Usually He will use the multitudes of solicited advice, plus things you may casually read or hear, to confirm His answer.  But you can and will know the correct answer if you earnestly seek it.  God knows if you will follow through.  Talk to the only One who has the right answers.

ISAIAH 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

Donate here, only if led by God

Dean and Winnie

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