The same power that resurrected Jesus from the Tomb is available to all.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 …….the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Easter is a time for new beginnings. Easter is on the 8th day of the week. (The number 8 in the Bible means Fresh Start) Evangelical Christians and Catholics celebrate Jesus on this day because this is the day that He rose from the dead. Jesus is our rest and our peace. What better way to remember Jesus on this holiday than to better our Christian walk? Easter is everyday for a true believer. It’s an Easter ‘kind of experience’ Every day, New life, New Birth. What will take us to heaven? Reading the Bible every day? Being fluent in ancient Hebrew? Being a missionary or a pastor? No! The same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead will take us to heaven. What will heal our wounds? The same resurrection power of Jesus Christ on Easter morning! What will rapture us if we are still alive? The resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
There’s a book title I saw called ‘Eat this not that’. I have never read the book but I catch the idea. It’s about loosing weight. There’s a choice in a restaurant. Loose weight or gain it by making a choice between two things. Order a deep dish Chicago pizza or a kale Salad. Weight loss, spiritual victories, abundant life, muscle tone, overall good health, salvation, strong personal relationships intelligence all make for a better life. You have a better life by making the better of two choices.
There’s always a choice than is better than the other. An accumulation of better choices makes for a better life. First thing you need to make a good decision is to have good information. The Bible is the best source, and it covers literally any decision you may want to make. Bible and prayer based decisions are always the better decisions. Be patient, take the time necessary to make a Godly kind of decision fueled with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. An Easter ‘kind of experience’
Proverbs 14:15 The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.
A patient spirit is better than a proud spirit because a patient spirit is willing to sit back and decide which of the two choices is better, whereas the proud spirit just blunders it’s way forward and prays that God cleans up the aftermath. Unfortunately I often suffer from a proud impetuous spirit. These missives are my weekly musings. I blow it every day. I want to be more patient. I want to make better decisions. God is good and gracious, as are my co-workers and people I minister to. But I want better, Easter Sunday, and dwelling on the resurrection power of Jesus Christ have clarified it for me. I want to be better not just for me but for everyone around me. It all starts with upstairs. As I think better, I find I get better. Closer to God. Better relationships. Better ministry. So to change the name of the book I never read, inferring to think better thoughts, it’ll be ‘think this, not that’.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.
I am slowly learning to think only about the better things. I try to only let my mind think of positive things and truthful things. Beautiful things. Why cloud it up with nerve wracking negativity. I slip and backslide. It’s a struggle, but worth it and possible with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. An Easter ‘kind of experience’
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
How do we control our thoughts? We control our thoughts in one way by what we look at. What we see goes straight to the brain. A funny phrase I have heard a few times is ‘I can’t unsee that’ when someone sees something really ugly. Some bad things I have seen as well are stamped permanently in my brain. So to change the name of the book I never read, inferring to think better thoughts, it’ll be ‘look at this, not that’.
Proverbs 30:17 – The eye is the window to the soul.
That doesn’t mean that people can see your soul by looking at your eyes. That’s a common that’s lie from the pit. What this verse means is that our mind, our soul looks out and receives imprints which affects our thoughts. Job understood it best. He made a pact with his eyes.
Job 31:1 “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.
Looking at the Bible is better than looking at anything else. We can control what we look at, or even lust after. Extremely difficult, but possible only with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. An Easter ‘kind of experience’.
Another way we control our thoughts is by what we listen to. Listen to people teach about God, sing about God or preaching. Listen to people’s problems with good intentions to help them. Listen to ocean waves, babies laughing or crickets or silence. Don’t listen to vulgar music, comedians or murmuring. Listen to life, not death. So to change the name of the book I never read, inferring to think better thoughts, it’ll be ‘listen to this, not that’.
Luke 8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.
if your friends are filthy mouthed, change them. If you like a filthy mouthed, perverted DJ on the way to work change the channel. Listening to a filthy song or watching a dirty r rated movie, turn it off. It’s not easy. Especially if it’s a habit. Extremely difficult, but possible only with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. An Easter ‘kind of experience’.
I find that only talk about what I am thinking about. So if I try only think on what I know to be true, I know I will be talking about what I know to be true. (Proven Method). I want my mouth, and mind to be full of truth. I find that my thoughts in my head not only change the words out of my mouth, the words out of our mouths likewise affects our thoughts. It’s a two edged sword. So to change the name of the book I never read, inferring to say better words, it’ll be ‘say this, not that’.
Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
it’s not easy to change your bad talk to good talk. It’s sometimes not convenient to tell the brutal truth. Again, I have found the solution. When you realize you made an off colored comment (in my case sometimes I am not even aware of it) or say something untrue or angrily, I make myself go back and try to make things right. Not convenient! Extremely difficult, but possible only with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. An Easter ‘kind of experience’.
Friends and family often ask me ‘can’t you talk about anything not ‘religious?’’ Inferring that it is related to Jesus, the Christian walk, ministry or the Bible. (Religion has nothing to do with it btw). My answer is always ‘Uh, no! Why would I want to? Absolutely nothing else is important, especially in these last days.’
I can’t talk about news, it’s all lies. (A half truth is a complete lie). Pro-Sports? Major Leagues and NFL totally betrayed the combat veterans who gave their lives protecting their right to kneel, so no conversation worthwhile there. People? You only know as much of them that they let you see. So to talk about them, good or bad, is usually riddled with untruths. Politics and world events? Really???? You have to be able to believe the news, reports and statistics to be able to do that. Only God and things that pertain to Him are worthy to talk about. Life is short, focus on the better things. Like Jesus, oh and dogs. I like dogs. And how to help children. I love them most! So does Jesus!!!
Luke 10:42 few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Prayer Requests;
Remember to continue to pray for us, our own children in the states, our school (we have planted three down here that are still operational) churches (we have planted 2 that are still operational) and feeding centers (we have planted 3 that are still operational and support 3 more and one orphanage in the Ukraine.
Our goal is still an to have full school / orphanage/ old folks home, on a sustainable farm because we feel that is wht the Lord wants. When it’s time, God will move someone to provide for the enormous costs of land, equipment, staffing, counseling, medical etc
With much love in Jesus
Dean and Winnie Peters
Joyfully serving the ‘least of these’ in Managua Nicaragua