
Giving hope to at-risk children in Nicaragua


Evil (Lord’sPrayer Pt17) (Español abajo)

Matthew 6:13 But deliver us from EVIL.

Christianity is always a process. Getting saved by running into the arms of Jesus is the easy part. Walking out your faith afterwards is the extremely difficult part, DEFINITELY NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED! Seems that when you try to live a holy life, evil abounds even more. The harder you try to avoid it, the more obvious it is, in your life and in those around you.

Anything that God doesn’t approve of is evil. Evil separates us from God. Evil comes in many forms. Laziness is evil.  Pride is evil. Murder is evil. Poverty is evil. Sickness is evil. Unbelief is evil. Doing bad things is evil. When we are asking to be delivered from evil, we are asking to be delivered from the evil one, as well as from ourselves. Most of the times, the bad things that happen to us that we say are from the devil, are really from our own foolishness and disobedience.  Evil is also NOT doing what pleases God.  Not providing for your family.  Not helping others.  Being self centered, selfish and greedy is also sin. James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

An evangelical librarian once said she got fired because of her faith. Noooo, she got fired because she was always talking in a library. No one should talk in a library. Missionaries bribing officials, or fanning the flames of a coup d’etat don’t get kicked out of countries because of their faith, they get kicked out for disobedience. Spouses don’t usually leave each other because of the other’s faith. More often than not, they leave each other because of grouchiness and jealousy. We offend others, and alienate them with our abrasiveness and superiority.  Attitude problems and impatience are not satanic, they are products of our  fallen nature. 

That being said, all evil comes from one source, Satan.  We all live in his fallen world, and are tainted by ev. The kindergartner telling a fib,  promiscuous high schooler,  bad tempered parent, all are sinners. Sin is evil. It started in the Garden of Eden and won’t stop until heaven. What people call “mistakes” are usually sin. If you multiply 10 times 15 and think the answer is 155, that is a mistake. If you wind up in bed with a woman who is not your wife, that is not a mistake. It is a sin, but people will call it a mistake. Mistakes are not innocent wrong turns, but most of the time just an evil choice. Chronically angry fathers that claim to be born again (and may be) who are on every church board, and go to church every time the doors are open are just as evil, and do just as much spiritual damage, as Adolf Hitler or Osama Bin Laden. Evil is evil. There is no acceptable level of evil, and we need to be delivered from it. Sinning (evil) is naturally easy to us. We need to be aware of it. We need to run from it. We need God to protect us from it.

Evil doesn’t have to look evil to be evil.  For example, I talk too much, often meaning well, but if it offends; it is probably evil. Unfiltered talking always eventually leads to evil. In many words, sin abounds!

Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.

As we pray to be delivered from evil it is important to protect the children from evil. Telling a child that a ‘hello kitty doll’ or a religious denomination is ‘evil’ isn’t protecting a child from evil. Pastors ranting and raging for hours about a life style or tv program aren’t delivering someone from evil. (Actually it may be peeking interest.) Delivering children and adults from evil is spiritual. It starts from within.  We should be praying, pleading for them, and for ourselves,,, US! We pray to OUR Father to DELIVER US FROM EVIL because we are all weak. Who knows the maneuvers of angels that were sent by God who keeps us from falling into sin. We need to pray for this protection just like Jesus did. We also need to pray for the defenseless, those who don’t pray either because they are too young or too faithless to pray.

The best defense from evil is LOVE. Love for Jesus and Love for others. Do you talk to the Father and to Jesus? Ask Them for more Love for Them and for others.   If you love a member of the opposite sex like Jesus does, lust won’t be a problem.  If someone gets rich, you won’t try to rob him if you love him, you’ll be happy for him. Sincerely seek love, and God will fill you with so much of it that you are protected and delivered from evil.  Also pray for more love and protection for the children. (We are partial to PureHeart Children, but all children need love and protection from evil!) That will fill you to the brim.


Lamentations 2:19

Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at every street corner.

You can donate online www.pureheartchildren.org or by check

Checks made out to Grace Life OutReach (with PureHeart in the memo)
can be sent to Our mailing address:

Pure Heart C/O Grace Life Outreach
190 Seminole Ln Apt 302
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931-3394

Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters



Our goal is to have kids living here by my birthday in June 21. That’s the day I am officially retired according by social security standards. Lord willing I will be getting $1,290 a month, so that will really help PureHeart to step up the game. Retirement is a worldly term to me though, not a Christian term. I will take the retirement money, but not stop this labor of love.

We need donations of money, materials and labor to get the Winner home ready. We also need a different vehicle, and a steady increase in donations to provide for 5 or six more people (basically another young family).

STEP 1 is COMPLETED! Praise God!

Once we get the money we will move onto Step 2 but right now we are below broke from our normal day to day operations staring us in the face; God willing, we will get past this soon. We need a miracle and prayer.

Step 2. Installing a downstairs warehouse to hold everything from the warehouse which is now upstairs.

Step 3. Once the warehouse is cleaned out, we will put in a window up stairs, walls and another bathroom, thus turning the warehouse into a large dormitory for the girls.

4. We just found out by government that we will need a larger vehicle. Our 14 year old tucscon is on it ‘s last leg, and won’t legally hold Winnie and I and 5 girls. So we have to have a van.

Once all of that is done we are ready to bring in the little girl toddlers. Pray with us in the selection process of which little girls we will bring in. It will take time and we need to raise a lot to of money to do this (est overall expenses will be a little over 17,100 dollars PLUS 15,000 for a good used van, and also keeping on paying our 4000+ p/m basic operating expenses which will increase with housing 6-7 more people when the construction is completed) That needs to be another $1000 a month permanently. (so we need a steady month donation base of $5,000 a month)

Thats what the Lord we believe showed us, but we are always open to opinions and advice!

thank you once again!

You can donate online www.pureheartchildren.org or by check

Checks made out to Grace Life OutReach (with PureHeart in the memo)
can be sent to Our mailing address:

Pure Heart C/O Grace Life Outreach
190 Seminole Ln Apt 302
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931-3394

Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters


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Mal (Nuestro Padre #17)

Mateo 6:13 ,,, y líbranos del mal

El cristianismo es siempre un proceso. Salvarse, correr a los brazos de Jesús es la parte fácil. Luego,vivir una vida de fe es extremadamente difícil, ¡NO PARA LOS DEBILES! Maldad es mas ovio cuando uno quiere evitarlo.

El mal viene en muchas formas, PECADO, ENFERMEDADES, La POBREZA, asesino, aborto, orgullo… pero son conectados y de una fuente. Cuando pedimos ser liberados del mal, pedimos ser liberados del maligno, de satanas y sus demonios, así como de nosotros mismos. La mayoría de las veces de nuestra propia tontería.

Una bibliotecaria evangélica dijo una vez que fue despedida por su fe. Noooo, la despidieron porque siempre estaba hablando en una biblioteca. Nadie debe hablar en una biblioteca. Los misioneros que sobornan a los funcionarios no son expulsados ​​de los países debido a su fe, sino que son expulsados ​​por corromper a los funcionarios del gobierno. Los cónyuges no se separan debido a la fe del otro, se dejan el uno al otro debido a la falta de confianza y la ira. Al igual que yo, no queriendo ser ofendido, nadie más le gusta tampoco. Pero cuando ofendemos a los demás con nuestra abrasividad, superioridad, actitudes e impaciencia, no es culpa del diablo, es culpa nuestra.

Dicho esto, todo el mal viene de una sola fuente, el mundo caído de Satanás. El estudiante de kindergarten diciéndo mentiras, un niño promiscuo en la escuela secundaria, un padre mal humorado, constantemente enojado,,,, todo es pecado. El pecado es malo. Comenzó en el Jardín del Edén y no se detendrá hasta el cielo. Los errores suelen ser pecado. Los errores la mayoría de las veces, no son giros equivocados inocentes, sino la mayoría de las veces solo una elección malvada. Los padres sarcásticos y enojados que afirman haber nacido de nuevo (y puede que lo sean) que están en todas las juntas de la iglesia y que van a la iglesia cada vez que las puertas están abiertas son igual de malvados y causan tanto daño espiritual, como Adolf Hitler o Obama Bin Cargado. El mal es el mal, no hay grados de ello, y debemos ser liberados de él.

El pecado, (el mal) es naturalmente fácil para nosotros. Tenemos que ser conscientes de ello. Necesitamos huir de ello. Necesitamos que Dios nos proteja de ello. El mal no tiene que verse mal para ser malvado.

Hablo demasiado, a menudo con buenas intenciones, pero si ofendo, probablemente es malo. Hablar sin filtrar es malo. En muchas palabras, el pecado abunda! Proverbios 10:19 En la multitud de palabras no se quiere pecado, sino el que refrena sus labios es sabio

Mientras oramos para ser liberados del mal, es importante proteger a los niños del mal. Decirle a un niño que una “hello kitty” o una denominación religiosa es “malo” no es proteger a un niño del mal. Los pastores despotricados y furiosos predicando por horas sobre un estilo de vida o programa de televisión no están entregando a alguien del mal. (en realidad puede levantar el interés).

Librar a los niños y adultos del mal es espiritual, comienza desde dentro. De rodillas, suplicando. Oramos a NUESTRO Padre para que nos entregue del mal porque somos débiles. Quién sabe cuantos ángeles que fueron enviados por Dios para que nos impide caer en la tentación, del pecado.

Necesitamos orar por esta protección como lo hizo Jesús. También debemos orar por los indefensos, aquellos que tampoco oran porque son demasiado jóvenes o no tienen fe para orar.

La mejor defensa del mal es el amor. Amor por Jesús y amor por los demás. ¿Hablas con Jesús? Pídele más amor por él y por los demás. Sinceramente, síguelo, y Él te llenará de tanto amor que estás protegido y liberado del mal. ¡Ora también por amor a los niños! Eso te llenará hasta el borde. Lamentaciones 2:19 Levántate, grita en la noche, mientras comienzan las vigilias de la noche; Derrama tu corazón como agua en la presencia del Señor. Levanta las manos hacia él por la vida de tus hijos, que se desmayan de hambre en cada esquina.

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