7aug15 Human Beings
We are human beings, not human doings..
God wants us to BE like Him. He created us in His image. He wants us to BE more than He wants us to DO. Being is Christianity. Doing is religion. Naturally, faith without works is dead, but it is an evidence of the work of salvation, not the way to get salvation. Life is all about being in the present, being relaxed and enjoying the moment. That applies to physical as well as spiritual life.
Little kids know how to BE there. When kids are little they ask each other what they want to be when they grow up. Wherever they are, they are completely there. They enjoy the moment, and blot out anything that might be a buzz kill. I am noisy, and kind of hard to take by some people. One little girl would close her eyes everytime I came into the room. We asked her why she wouldn’t open her eyes. She said, ‘when I close my eyes, that gringo isn’t there’. ouch!
Adults may be there but their minds are usually somewhere else. We tend to compensate that by doing things. As adults, we ask each other what we do for a living, instead of what we are. Keeping busy by doing. Finding worthiness by doing.
God tells us to be still and to know that He is God. The key word here is being, to be. Be there. Rest in God. Do what He says. You have to do what He wants you to do. How you ask? Believe me, it is a lot easier than what you think and a lot less than what you think you need to be doing. When you are a Christian, your love will compell you to do things for others. It’s great.
As we are “being” here listening to God in Nicaragua, He lets us BE with the kids. We really aren’t doing much, simply following His lead. HE leads other people to be there to help us financially, spiritually or physically. Like now we are enjoying a YWAM team from Denver. There is a lady from Australia, a German, a Frenchman, a Tica, to Canadians and about six gringos. Also an old friend, Mateo Bowen and his son Jonathan.
It is great fun to be here, right now.
Please PRAY for:
Matt and Jonathan’s stay here be fantastic
YWAMers have fun, and comlete God’s will here
Protection and health for all of us
Manuel, my right hand man has been ill, Pray for a healing.
Holy Spirit
Protection and Encouragement for my son Deannie Jr. in Ohio this year
Completon of a room upstairs,
Water Supply
Dean Peters
USA NUMBER 1-240-345-9268
local cel in Nicaragua 55010927
Deanpeters123 skype
Somos seres humanos, no hechos humanos ..
Dios quiere que seamos como Él. Él nos creó a su imagen. Él quiere que seamos más que Él quiere que hagamos. El ser es el cristianismo. Hacer es la religión. Naturalmente, la fe sin obras está muerta, pero es una evidencia de la obra de la salvación, no es la manera de conseguir la salvación. La vida es de estar en el presente, estar relajado y disfrutando el momento. Eso se aplica a la vida física tanto como espiritual.
Los niños pequeños saben cómo estar allí. Cuando los niños son pequeños se preguntan unos a otros lo que quieren ser cuando crezcan. Dondequiera que estén, son completamente allí. Ellos disfrutan el momento, y borran cualquier cosa que pudiera ser un aguafiestas. Yo soy ruidoso, y un poco difícil de aguantar por algunas personas. Una niña cerraba sus ojos cada vez que entro la habitación. Le preguntamos por qué no iba a abrir los ojos. Ella dijo: ‘cuando cierro los ojos, este gringo no está allí “. ouch!
Los adultos pueden estar allí, pero sus mentes están generalmente en otro lugar. Tenemos la tendencia a compensar que al hacer las cosas. Como adultos, nos preguntamos unos a otros lo que hacemos para vivir, en lugar de lo que somos.