
Hebrews 4:12 
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Lately the Lord is teaching me to be more intentional about seeking His will in my life, my family’s lives, and in our ministry.  It is one thing to have a plan, it is another thing to be deliberately bringing the plan to fruition.

God knows our plans.  The Lord uses His Word to show us our plans, whether for good or for evil.  God is good, and we as Christians are followers of Him, but sometimes our plans are for ourselves, or for things that God doesn’t want us to do.  They may be good plans, but not God’s plans for us.   He has a specific future and hope for each one of us.

I have been with people that are very intentional about the things of God.  When they pray, there is no doubt that they are praying.  I try to pray continuously.  I want God involved in everything I do.  Sometimes praying continuously is different than praying intentionally.

I still am intentional about praying 24 hours a day.  Although I never accomplish it, 1Thes. 5:17 “Pray without ceasing” is my goal.

The challenge of praying all of the time is that you get your thoughts mixed up with prayer, and vice versa.  I noticed a friend recently who prays fervently, in a praying position.  I tried it, and it was nice.  I noticed that I could distinctly tell the prayer thoughts from my day dreaming thoughts.

When you are doing something intentionally, you aren’t side tracked and distracted.  It is more like the true definition of worship, giving worth.  If you are talking to the President of the United States, you won’t be looking at text messages that come in.  You won’t be listening to someone else talking.  I think God deserves the same attention, if not more.  I will try to add more intentional prayer time into my 24 hour a day endeavor.

Intentionally works in other ways too.  Career wise, ministry wise, relationship wise and any other area of our lives.

God admires the work of diligent ants.  Of Daniel, many prophets, even Roman officials in the time of Jesus,  God noticed the intentional people, trying to do their jobs diligently.  It helps on your job.  Bosses like workers intentionally trying to do good work.

When you are intentionally trying to be friendly with someone, whether it is a vagabond, a child, an old lady, you drop what you do and you pay attention to them.  Just as if it were the president of the USA.  Your intention to give that person attention gives them worth.  I know I am guilty of not doing so.  I see it in others too, when they ask an old lady how she’s doing, and she gives a long winded answer and people just walk away from her before she is finished.  It is easy to see the flaw in others, but my intention is to not do that any more.  Full attention is the only way to be intentional about caring for others.

Intentionally working to raise funds for the children in our ministry, to help it to grow and nurture into it’s full potential of helping thousands of children is another goal that needs to be a deliberate act, requiring my full attention.  Having the right staff, right attitudes, right materials and the right area/field is all part of good planning, and deliberation.  It all starts with the right intention, and an intentional prayer life, Bible Study, ministerial attitude and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Intentionally pray with us for the fruits of God in this ministry of love.  Pray for my personal zeal and focus. God is really doing a work here, I don’t want to fail Him.

God puts to test His chosen throughout the Bible.  He will put you to test as well if you are His.  Trust Him and be faithful.  Be diligent and go about your faith in Him.  Do so intentionally and deliberately.   God is good and faithful, always.  Be intentional about your service to Him as you serve others.  If you are intentional about serving Him, you will pass His tests.

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