my favorite theology. Micah 6:8 ……..what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
I love that verse,, It is completely do-able! Especially the mercy part!
God tells us to love mercy.
I love mercy
My favorite stories are ‘mercy’ stories. My favorite ‘mercy story’ lead character is God. When God is involved, I know it’s not a story, it’s the truth.
Mercy, even the sound of the word, is pretty. Such a happy word!
Here is my definition of mercy, NOT RECEIVING WHAT YOU DESERVE.
When you LOVE something, you defend it and try to emulate it.
When people complain, there is a said or unsaid ‘I just want what I deserve’. Although I don’t usually say it, my heart is screaming, ‘NO YOU DON’T!’ We deserve hell, and eternal separation from God. God chooses to show us mercy.
Now let’s take this thought and put it on our flesh and daily walk.
If you are at the traffic light, and the guy ahead of you doesn’t drive the moment the light turns green, give him mercy. He deserves to be called names and be beeped at. Don’t! Don’t beep, don’t call him names, or fume with rage. Give him mercy.
If you are helping someone and they are attacking you behind your back, they deserve a good kick in the pants. Don’t. Just love them. Maybe distance yourself from them, to show mercy to yourself, but don’t pay them what they deserve. Give them mercy.
Giving mercy is healthy for you, your body, your soul and for those around you.
Mercy is a great teaching aid for the little eyes that are watching you.
just a thought.
have a great day