
10oct14 Packages

We lovesKT4c4Lp47xSWA7Xt8mw7KbeXX7y4qVWhCwxrN8D3ibi=w126-h209-p-no getting packages by mail, both for our own children and for the kids we serve who live in squawler . It’s about 50 dollars to get a box but it is well worth it.

By the way we have a po box to get packages and Mail here. We are getting almost everything sent. Everynow and then we loose something, but not often
Our po box is

Dean & Winnie Peters
Aptdo PA#455
Tel cor central
Managua Nicaragua
Central America

Speaking of that theme, packages also have a different meaning. When you get into something worthwhile, you get the whole package. When you become a True believer in Jesus, there’s a package involved. Good and bad. You may loose some things, and a friend or two. You will definitely be used and taken advantage of. If you don’t live in the free world, (ie l 10/40 window) you could go to jail or even worse for Believing in Jesus, God the Son, the Son of God. On the other hand, you get a real purpose in eternal your life and joy unspeakable. But it is a package definitely worth receiving.

When you start a feeding program and PreK for poor street kids, THAT´S A PACKAGE with a lot of pros and cons. In our opinion, this is another GREAT package we get to receive. Definitely worth it.

‘Feed one child on a daily basis, and YOU have a feeding program’. MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA

here´s a good picture and a video

Dean Peters
55010927 claro
85074231 claro
82639523 moviestar
240 345 9268 US #
Deanpeters123 skype

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