
Submit (Espanol abajo)

(lessons from the plague, pt 3)


Hebrews 13:17 – Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that unprofitable for you.

We are in a time when we are asked to submit to things we don’t agree with.  The law say ‘no congregating in church’ so we congregate at home.  Curfews, masks, etc. are aggravating but Americans are NOT being told to sin.  As long as that happens, we must comply with the authorities where we live.  Down here, in Nicaragua, it’s the opposite.  No quarantine laws.  But we have a child in our school sick with ‘pneumonia’ so the parents have opted to come and get the children’s homework on a daily basis.  Our kids are safe, and we obey the law by keeping the schools open.  We feed the hungry by giving them uncooked food for their moms to prepare at home. Medical attention as well, small groups are checked by a doctor here in the Winner Home or in the private dwelling places.

Many people say they believe in submission but by their actions I can see that either they don’t really understand it or are deceived. When someone says they hate someone over them in authority, or call them names, I walk away.   Their opinion is tainted and I try to keep my thoughts pure.  Not submitting to my authorities with a pure heart and mind damages my relationship with the Lord.  Submitting and grumbling about it is not submitting as unto the Lord as we are commanded. Again submission is NOT agreement.  It is obedience.  Obedience with a good attitude, because you are obeying and submitting to God as you are submitting to your authorities.

I have been practicing the discipline of not having negative thoughts in my head for about six months now, and it’s becoming a nice habit.   When we take captive and kill a negative thought as soon as it raises its ugly head, (usually relating to submission in one way or another) we are proving to ourselves that we really believe in Jesus.    We are submitting our minds to Christ, which will always lead us to submit to any authority that God has placed over us.

2 Cor 10:5 take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

I don’t understand a Christian that talks bad about their authorities.  It is seems like they are picking bits and pieces of the Bible to believe or ignore.  Like anyone living wrong, they justify their sins.  The longer I am a Christian, the more I see how evil not submitting is.  Rebellion is the opposite of submission, and it is of the devil. All rebellion is wrong and evil.  A rebellious person is also a stubborn person, refusing to change his or her ways.  Rebellion is a form of idolatry.

1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.

Submission means to yield to all authority placed over you.  The easiest place to start learning how to submit is at home as a child.   The 40 year old unemployed man living with his mom is usually a case of someone who never learned to submit to authority at home as a kid.

Often a child’s rebellion is at least partially due to the child watching the parents be rebellious. You can force your children to submit, but they will not really learn the good lifetime trait of submission unless they see the example lived out by the parents.   In the final analysis, however, it is the decision of the child as they become an adult. Will they be a person who cooperates with the authorities above them or will they not? They must choose to reap the benefits of submission, or face the consequences of a life in rebellion.

Ephesians 6:1-3 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.  2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;  3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

Submission in the homes, where it all starts, doesn’t only apply to the kids.  Wives are to submit to husbands, and husbands are to love, protect and provide for their families (submitting to God).   It takes a good, submitted to God, man to be a good husband.  It takes a good husband to be a good dad, and a good dad to be a good husband.  God tells man to submit to God, and the woman to submit to the husband.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands

*INTERESTING SIDE NOTE, GOD IS TALKING TO THE WOMAN NOT THE HUSBAND.*  Husbands aren’t told to make the wives submit, but the women should submit on their own, to their husbands.

We, as Christians, are to submit to everyone who God puts over us, as we submit to God and His Holy Word.  As long as we aren’t disobeying the Bible, it will go well with us. Trust the leaders and authorities where you are, unless they make are advocating something unbiblical, and you will be good.

It is easy for you to submit to someone if you love them.  You will eventually love them through God.  If you love God, you will pray for, and eventually love, the authorities He has put over you. As a result, it will be well with your soul, and your physical body will be protected and provided for as well.

Psalm 91: 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.  15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

***Submitting is being obedient and the people who have authority over us, as well as to God. Because of only handing out homework assignments (we have all the staff here, because we are paying them). So, because we suddenly have a lot of free time, my staff and I are having a Bible study, starting in the book of John.  God placed it on my heart this morning to have it, so we started it this morning, in submission to our Lord and God.  Pray for my wonderful staff and all the people we continue to minister to an a daily basis in terms of the Gospel, Education, nutrition and medicine.***

Dean and Winnie Peters

Joyfully serving the ‘least of these’ in Nicaragua for the glory of God

Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters



 Hebreos 13:17 – Someterse a los que tienen el dominio sobre ti, y preséntate: porque vigilan tus almas, como deben dar cuenta, para que puedan hacerlo con alegría y no con pena

Muchas personas dicen que creen en la sumisión, pero por sus acciones puedo ver que realmente no lo entienden o que están mintiendo. Cuando alguien dice que odian a alguien de la autoridad, o los llaman idiotas, me alejo. Su opinión está contaminada y trato de mantener mis pensamientos puros.

He estado en este modo de no tener pensamientos negativos en mi cabeza durante unos seis meses, y se está convirtiendo en un hábito. Casi siempre estas pensamentos están en contra de un tipo de autoridad. Cuando tomamos cautivo un pensamiento negativo tan pronto como levanta su fea cabeza, nos damos cuenta de que realmente creemos en Jesús. Estamos sometiendo nuestras mentes a Cristo, lo que siempre nos llevará a someternos a cualquier autoridad que Dios haya puesto sobre nosotros.

2 Corintios 10: 5 toma cautivo cada pensamiento para hacerlo obediente a Cristo.

Nunca entiendo un cristiano que hable mal de sus autoridades. Es obvio que están escogiendo pedazos de la Biblia para creer. Como cualquiera que viva en pecado, justifican sus pecados. Cuanto más tiempo que soy cristiano, más veo lo malvado que es no someterse, verdaderamente, del corazón.

La rebelión es lo opuesto a la sumisión. Eso es del diablo. Toda rebelión está mal. Una persona rebelde también es una persona obstinada, que se niega a cambiar sus formas. La rebelión es una forma de idolatría.

1 Samuel 15:23 Porque la rebelión es como el pecado de la brujería, y la terquedad es como la iniquidad y la idolatría.

Someterse significa ceder ante toda la autoridad que se le otorga. El lugar más fácil para comenzar a aprender cómo someterse es en casa, como un niño. El hombre desempleado de 40 años que vive con su madre generalmente es el caso de alguien que nunca aprendió a someterse a la autoridad cuando era niño. Por lo general, es culpa de los padres. Cuando tengas treinta años, es demasiado tarde para aprender cómo someterse. Los padres pueden enseñar a sus hijos a presentar. Pueden hacer que se sometan, pero es mejor que vivan una vida que sea consistente con sus enseñanzas o el niño será igual que el padre, no lo que se enseña, cuando el niño se vaya de casa. Sin embargo, la responsabilidad recae en el niño. Aunque los enseñamos, y que seamos buen ejemplos, pero las responsabilidades y recompensas finales están con los niños.

Efesios 6: 1-3 Hijos, obedezcan a sus padres en el Señor: porque esto es correcto. 2 Honra a tu padre y a tu madre; cual es el primer mandamiento con promesa; 3 Para que te vaya bien, y puedas vivir mucho en la tierra.

Las esposas deben someterse a los esposos, y el esposo debe amar, proteger y mantener a su familia. Se necesita ser un buen hombre para ser un buen esposo. Se necesita ser un buen esposo para ser un buen padre y un buen padre para ser un buen esposo. Dios le dice al hombre que se someta a Dios, y a la mujer que se someta al esposo.

Efesios 5:22 Esposas, se someten a sus propios maridos como lo hacen con el Señor.

* NOTA  INTERESANTE, DIOS ESTÁ HABLANDO CON LA MUJER, NO CON EL MARIDO. A los esposos no se les dice que hagan que las esposas se sometan, pero las mujeres deben someterse solas, como al Señor. Todos debemos someternos a todos los que Dios nos impone, a medida que nos sometemos a Dios y a Su Santa Palabra.

Mientras no estemos desobedeciendo la Biblia, nos irá bien. Confía en los líderes y autoridades donde estás, a menos que te hagan blasfemar contra Dios, y serás bueno. Es fácil para usted someterse a alguien que usted ama. Si amas a Dios, amarás a las autoridades que Él ha puesto sobre ti, y estará bien con tu alma, y ​​tu cuerpo físico estará protegido y provisto también.

Salmo 91: 14 Porque él ha puesto su amor sobre mí, por lo tanto lo libraré; lo pondré en lo alto, porque ha conocido mi nombre. 15 Él me llamará, y yo le responderé: estaré con él en problemas; Lo entregaré y lo honraré. 16 Con larga vida lo satisfaceré, y le mostraré mi salvación.

Dean and Winnie Peters

Joyfully serving the ‘least of these’ in Nicaragua for the glory of God

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