Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
God’s work was done so He rested.  BECAUSE HIS WORK WAS DONE.
People in general LOVE a day off.  I have some questions though.  For example why do most of the real combat veterans I have served with work on veterans day? Those who have never seen a second combat take it off, RELIGIOUSLY?
As a rule, the strongest Christians I have ever met do stuff on Sundays. Some even work. All will work if it meant to help someone else.  Mediocre Christians for the most part are AVID SABBATH TAKERS.  They use that excuse to not do anything for anyone except for things they want to do, for people that they want to do it with.  Usually on Sundays, but, ahem, Sunday isn’t the sabbath.
Day’s off’  mentalities don’t really make sense to me.  I guess it was how it was presented to me as a child.  I could do my home’work’ on Sundays, for example, but I couldn’t play with my friends.  Stuff like that.   I really dislike forced rest, just for the sake of ‘resting’.  It’s kind of like ‘time-out’. Man did I do a lot of that!  Maybe I have flash backs from when I was  kid, and had to take naps.  It was torture. *although I got to admit, I love a good nap now-a-days*. Day off people kind make me nervous, I guess.   It’s like they really don’t like what they are doing or something, and use Sunday as some kind of shrug off day.  I can’t quite put my finger on it.  Monday they are scrambling like lunatics to make up for the lost time.
In the old testament, God took the Sabbath seriously.  He once in the book of Exodus, KILLED a guy for picking up sticks on the Sabbath. Wow! I don’t want to take the chance of offending God.  I just don’t feel there’s a connection between what we as Christians feels like REST is, and what God feels like REST is.  We do what our pastors and fellow Christians tell us to do, but I don’t think we should blindly do it.  Neither did Jesus.  He healed people on the Sabbath, fed His guys etc.
Except for the amish,  soldiers humping the hills, day laborers on construction, cleaning personnel etc. I don’t know many people that actually WORK any more.  Dialing a telephone, driving a car, or greeting a customer is not work.
So what does REST mean?  I think it means, to rest from our works of salvation.  Jesus paid it all.  He is our rest, our PEACE. Prince of Peace the Bible calls Him.  If you think it has to do with talking shop on Sunday, you have it all wrong. 1rst off, IF you want to be a legalist, it’s Saturday, not Sunday.  Sunday is the 8th day of the week, in other word, it is the BEGINNING. The first day of the week. Fresh Start. Rebirth. Born Again.  We are resting from our works of Salvation, by trusting in Jesus.  Not by refusing to pick up a stick or dial the phone.  I hope I am not offending anyone.
There is nothing wrong with giving honor to God, and teaching children to do the same thing. It should be everyday, however, not just one day a week, or 4 HOLYdays a year.  It is an every day resting in the salvation of our souls by Jesus.   Jesus finished our work for us, BECAUSE OF THAT WE CAN REST.
Dean Peters

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