
AMEN! (Lord’sPrayer Pt22) (Español abajo)

(scroll down for progress on the WINNER HOME FOR AT-RISK GIRLS)

Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.11 Give us this day our daily bread.12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. AMEN.

Jesus didn’t actually say the last word ‘AMEN’. I think it was put in there by Matthew as a stamp of approval, of legitimacy. A GENUINE, HEARTFELT DESIRE FOR OUR HEAVENLY FATHER TO COME THROUGH! 

Actually, although Jesus never ended a prayer with ‘AMEN’, He DID start many sentences with ‘AMEN’, as in ‘Verily I say unto you’. AMEN actually means ‘truly’, or in modern English, ‘that’s the truth!’.

Did you know that AMEN is another name for Jesus? Revelation 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the AMEN the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

I personally try to pray without ceasing. I feel that if I am always in a constant state of prayer, it will help me to curb my sin nature.  It sometimes doesn’t work, but it helps.  For that reason I don’t like to end my private prayers, so I don’t say AMEN. When I pray publicly I do, as a verbal punctuation.

It’s probably just me, but I am not big any more on j the word ‘AMEN’.  I personally really have to be thinking about what I am saying ‘AMEN’ to, and wholeheartedly concur that it’s from God.  When others say it, it puts me on edge sometimes instead of comforting me. Religiosity makes me leery.  But then, I am that guy that used to automatically assume that anyone wearing a cross, or that had a fish on his business card was a Christian.  You learn quickly.

AMEN has become a by-word to both believers and non-believers. Just like the word ‘blessed’, ‘AMEN’ is over used by religious people who really aren’t panting after God.  Just as non-saved people with limited vocabularies swear a-lot, religious people with limited vocabularies or spiritual insight say ‘AMEN’ and ‘blessed’ often. ‘AMEN’ has become a thoughtless answer to a post on face book or some other pious sounding statement.  Many times, christian popularisms make a person sound and look holy but often, AMEN SAYERS are just clouds with no rain.

Proverbs 25:14 Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of gifts never given.

Just because someone talks like a believer, and says ‘AMEN’ doesn’t really mean or do anything for their soul. Talking like this might fool themselves, others, but not God.

Talking to the TRUE AMEN will change your life and save your soul. Saying it at the end of a public prayer, or in response to a holy sounding post or spoken sentence doesn’t really mean anything UNLESS you truly mean ‘PLEASE LET IT BE SO”.

Public prayer is to be ended in AMEN by believers, according to both the old testament and the new testament. 

“and all the people shall say Amen” (Deuteronomy 27:15-26)

Kind of like a ‘so be it’, a public agreement, Unfortunately, we have come a long way from those days (6,000 years ago). We as a people have drifted far from God and from really wanting His will to be done. 

The apostles used AMEN a lot as well, as we can see by the end of the Lord’s prayer. They were saying with all their heart,’PLEASE LET IT BE SO’.  AMEN used by a true ‘God chaser’ is more of a plea than a just buzzword to break the silence.

By saying ‘AMEN’ in response to a FaceBook post, prayer or during a sermon, you are making it appear that you are fully accepting God’s Word and expressing affirmation of God’s Word and His promises as “true”. You shouldn’t say it if your heart isn’t in it.

Romans 10:8-10  “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved. 

God’s people, if we really are, should believe and boldly declare “AMEN” to God’s promises. AMEN! “It is so”, and “so be it!” 


You can donate online or by check

Checks made out to Grace Life OutReach (with PureHeart in the memo)can be sent to Our mailing address:

Pure Heart C/O Grace Life Outreach

190 Seminole Ln Apt 302

Cocoa Beach, FL 32931-3394

Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters



There really hasn’t been much , especially under ‘My Timeline’. Sometimes I wonder if I heard from God correctly. Again,the burden is on God, not on me.

It’s all about finances. The will is there (both ours and the Lord’s as expressed in His written Word). However, we need a drastic increase in funds (over and above our already existing ministry expenses, which is a lot!) to make the necessary additions and improvements BEFORE we can even present it to the government. If we are destitute, the government would be crazy to let us bring in kids to live with us, and I don’t blame them.

We will need more staff (minimum 2 full time employees more) to do this (by law and for legal protection). We also need to show (1) sufficient income perpetually, avg over the past three months, about double what we are bringing in now. (2) An adequate vehicle. (3) A Nice Room for the children to live in.

We need to ‘sell’ this dream to the skeptical government. Some of these types of ‘homes’ in the past have made for bad reputations. The government has good reasons to be cautious. The philosophy ‘bring in the kids and the money will follow’ is reckless, dangerous, exploitive and presumptuous. Good for movies on television, not for real life on the mission field though.

Our goal WAS to have kids living here by my birthday in June 21, but it’s looking less and less realistic. That’s my date, but maybe not God’s. That’s the day I am officially retired according by social security standards. Lord willing I will be getting $1,290 a month, so that will really help PureHeart to step up the game. Retirement is a worldly term to me, not a Christian term. I will take the retirement money to help, not stop this labor of love.

We need large donations of money, materials and labor to get the home ready. We also need a different vehicle, and a steady increase in donations to provide for 5 or six more people (basically another young family).

STEP 1 is COMPLETED! Praise God!

*Before we progress we have a lot of minor repairs and painting to do. If you know of any handymen who want to come down let us know.*

Once we get the money we will move onto Step 2 but right now we are below broke from our normal day to day operations staring us in the face; Godwilling, we will get past this soon. We need a huge miracle and even more prayer.

Step 2. Installing a downstairs warehouse to hold everything from the warehouse which is now upstairs.

Step 3. Once the warehouse is cleaned out, we will put in a window up stairs, walls and another bathroom, thus turning the warehouse into a large dormitory for the girls.

4. We just found out by government that we will need a larger vehicle. Our 14 year old tucscon is on it ‘s last leg, and won’t legally hold Winnie and I and 5 girls. So we have to have a van.

Once all of that is done we are ready to bring in the little girl toddlers. Pray with us in the selection process of which little girls we will bring in. It will take time and we need to raise a lot to of money to do this (est overall expenses will be a little over 17,100 dollars PLUS 15,000 for a good used van, and also keeping on paying our 4000+ p/m basic operating expenses which will increase with housing 6-7 more people when the construction is completed) That needs to be another $1000 a month permanently. (so we need a steady month donation base of $5,000 a month)

Thats what the Lord we believe showed us, but we are always open to opinions and advice! Like I said, we could be wrong, but that’s the feeling that we get.

thank you once again!

You can donate online or by check

Checks made out to Grace Life OutReach (with PureHeart in the memo) can be sent to Our mailing address:

Pure Heart C/O Grace Life Outreach

190 Seminole Ln Apt 302

Cocoa Beach Fla. 32931-3394



Mateo 6:13 porque tuyo es el reino, el y la gloria para siempre AMÉN… 

Jesús en realidad no dijo la última palabra ‘Amén’. Creo que fue puesto allí por Mateo como un sello de aprobación, de legitimidad. 


En realidad, aunque Jesús nunca terminó una oración con ‘Amén’, sí comenzó muchas oraciones con ‘amén’, como en ‘De cierto os digo’. AMÉN realmente significa ‘verdaderamente’, o en inglés moderno, ‘¡esa es la verdad!’. 

Amén es otro nombre para Jesús. Apocalipsis 3:14 Y al ángel de la iglesia de los laodicenses escribe: Estas cosas dice el Amén, el testigo fiel y verdadero, el principio de la creación de Dios; 

Personalmente no me gusta terminar las oraciones, así que no digo amén en privado, solo en público. Probablemente sea solo yo, pero ya no soy grande en la palabra “amén” sin pensar realmente en lo que estoy diciendo “amén” CREYENDO de todo corazón que es de Dios. Al igual que la palabra ‘bendecido’, ‘amen’ se usa en exceso por personas religiosas que realmente no están buscando a Dios. Del mismo modo que las personas no salvas con vocabulario limitado son vulgarcitos, las personas religiosas con vocaularidades limitadas o intuición espiritual dicen ‘amén’ y ‘bendecidos’ mucho. ‘Amén’ se ha convertido en una respuesta irreflexiva a un post en FACE u otra declaración piadosa. Muchas veces, los popularismos cristianos hacen que una persona suene y se vea santa, pero son solo nubes sin lluvia. 

Proverbios 25:14 Al igual que las nubes y el viento sin lluvia, es uno que se jacta de regalos nunca dados. 

Solo porque alguien habla como un creyente y dice “amén” realmente no significa ni hace nada. 

Hablar con el VERDADERO AMÉN cambiará tu vida y salvará tu alma. Decirlo al final de una oración pública, o en respuesta a una publicación sagrada o una oración hablada, no lo hace, a menos que realmente signifique “QUE SEA ASÍ”. 

La oración pública debe terminarse en Amén, por los creyentes, de acuerdo con el Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento. 

“y todo el pueblo dirá Amén” (Deuteronomio 27: 15-26). 

Algo así como un ‘así sea’, es un acuerdo público. Hemos caido mucho como pueblo desde aquellos días (hace 6,000 años). Nosotros, como pueblo, nos hemos alejado mucho de Dios y en querer que se haga Su voluntad. 

Los apóstoles también usaron mucho AMÉN, como podemos ver al final de la oración del Señor. Ellos decían con todo su corazón, ‘POR FAVOR SENOR!! QUE SEA ASÍ’. Amén utilizado por un verdadero ‘Dios Buscador’ Es más una súplica que una palabra de moda para romper el silencio. 

Al decir ‘Amén’ en respuesta a una publicación de FaceBook, oración o durante un sermón, estás haciendo ver que estás aceptando completamente la Palabra de Dios y expresando la afirmación de la Palabra de Dios y Sus promesas como “verdaderas”. 

No deberías decirlo si tu corazón no estáde acuerdo. 

Romanos 10: 8-10 dice: “La palabra está cerca de ti, en tu boca y en tu corazón”, es decir, la palabra de fe que estamos proclamando: que si confiesas con tu boca “Jesús es el Señor” y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de los muertos, serás salvo. Porque con tu corazón crees y eres justificado, y con tu boca confiesas y eres salvo. 

El pueblo de Dios, si realmente lo somos, debe creer y declarar audazmente “Amén” a las promesas de Dios. ¡Amén! “Es así”, y “¡así sea!”

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