

Psalm 27:4 (KJV)

4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,

We want only one thing, to please the Lord with our lives, and to help others to know Him. Not to brag, just to clarify. We are here to serve God.

Our objective is God. We can only serve one thing. God or something else. We can’t serve God AND something else. Not even ourselves. We can serve God OR serve manna *money*, stuff, politics, religion, ideologies or anything else. But not both. It would be like having a personal servant, to serve your every need. This servant could NOT have another job somewhere else doing the same thing for another person. God is a jealous God.

The beautiful thing about serving God is that a lot of beautiful things happen along the way. Children are served. Your fellow man is served. You study to show yourself approved of God. *not just reading the Bible, but being intentional about being a better person, kinder, gentler, more positive. You watch your talk, *I HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO*, you watch your attitude. It doesn’t just happen. It’s an intentional action. The money, the stuff, the resources are just TOOLS to complete the objective. Money is like a hammer that is needed to pound the nails if your objective is to build a house. Our objective is to serve God, God wants us to help children. Everything else is a tool that He will give us along the way to help children, our one objective.



1. Believe in HIm. If you can’t believe in Him, ask Him to help you. It is impossible to believe in Him if He hasn’t given you that gift. DO NOT LOOK DOWN ON UNBELIEVERS. Pray for them, that God may give them that gift as well.

2. Ask Him to save you. Thank Him for sending God the Son, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to the Cross of Calvary to die for your sins. Accept that supreme gift! John 3:3 says ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God’

3. Ask Him to speak to you through His Word, to make you more like Him. Believe and Repent is what Jesus says. Believe first, and then repent of your sins, as you see that you are sinning through God’s Word.

4. Do what you believe He is showing you to do.


To feed, help, nourish, hug, love and teach impoverished children. To teach them so they can have and education and a job. To teach them about Jesus so they can love Him and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

We want to do more, please pray that we get the adequate resources to be approved to do so through the Government.

2 Replies to “Objective”

    1. deanpeters2004 says: Reply

      looking forward to big things brother!

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