

> The wordThe Better Days ‘I’ is the difference between bItter and bEtter (Mike MacIntosh)
> We all want to get better. Life is more bearable and mistakes are forgivable knowing that there is always an opportunity to become better. That´s the joy of living a christian life, knowing that there´s always tomorrow, and we can improve as we get closer to our eternal award.
> The main obstacle to getting better is by becoming bitter. One becomes bitter when they are considering only themselves ( I ) they become better when they consider everyone else (E). As stated before, the best thing you can do to prevent depression is helping someone else. Others (and their problems) keep you focusing on helping, instead of suffering in silence.
> The word immature begins with the word ´I´. The #1 sign of immaturity is by thinking you are all grown up. I’m Mature! Self centeredness is a close runner up.
> I remember when Poochie was a little baby.
> video of my experience with Poochie, the last 2 years, 2012 thru 2014 He wanted to leave the dump with me in the back of a pick up truck and see Managua. Poochie said I am a big boy! I want to eat Ice cream. I want to go to Managua! He had never been further than 200 yards away from his tar paper shack.. The Dump ( la chureca) is all mud and dirt roads in the part of la chureca where he lived . i asked him if he wanted to take his mom with him. he said no i want to go by myself. His Mom winked knowingly and we took off. A few minutes later we were on pavement and Poochie was crying hysterically. That noise scares me (the sound of tires on pavement), I don’t like this! I want to go home! I’m scared!
> We spun around took him home, and he stopped crying. I said, “Poochie why were you crying like a little baby?” he looked at me like I was stupid and said “because I am a little baby, that’s what I do”. He won my heart for life with that statement. But he was clearly then a baby still. sigh, kind of miss my baby Poochie. Since then he has grown up a lot. also he is a big brother now and has a lot better sense of community. Poochie is a lot better in someways, but he has lost his innocence. Is he better overall? No. But like I said, it´s a process for all of us. I KNOW he (and about 80 other kids) has a better chance for a future because of what YOU and I are doing.
> We are called to defend the widows and the fatherless. Part of their defense is raising them up in the ways of the Lord to become better. Or should I say, have a better chance. Not perfect. Simply better every day, Little by Little. No milestones nor demands. Not with a lot of talk. No rote memory drills, but mostly by just caring for them. In doing so they learn to care for others. In our first orphanage, we gave all the little girls a baby doll from the market. They acted like they liked them for five minutes, (new toys for them) then they threw those baby dolls in the closet and shut the door. I can never remember seeing them playing with those Little dolls again. Their parents never taught them how to care for another person (forget their pets!)
> The biggest difference between babies and mature adults is that babies are focused on I. Me my mine and I are used a lot in the conversations of childish or insecure people. Babies are the same way. The first conversation a kid has in preschool with another kid is one Word, MINE ! We are all in a process of growth. People are like watermelons. Once they stop growing they begin to rot.
> What we teach the kids is where we need to improve in our own lives as well. Practice makes perfect. We are getting better when we take our eyes off of ourselves and focus on helping others to get better, like Poochie
>> a great song, ´these are better days´, by my friend Victor Kreider or
>> it´s an mp3,, if that doesn’t work go to Victor´s site,,
>> and look for ´better days´
Dean Peters
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