
Heaven (Lord’s Prayer part 7)

Luke 9:11 … as it is in Heaven

My long term goal is to get to heaven, and help as many people as possible to get there as well some day.    Meanwhile, our job as Christians is to bring God’s kingdom of heaven down to earth as much as possible.  That does not mean more church buildings, nor even inviting people to church.  It means dying to yourself and being a good witness where ever you are, so that your observers will want Jesus in their lives as well.  While we live, we can do that. Satan’s first choice is that we never get saved. His plan B is, If we do get saved, to get us to heaven ASAP to prevent us from from bringing God’s kingdom in heaven down to earth. That is why we have to hang around a little on earth.  For others.

That is the motive of the statement of Paul in

Philippians 1:21

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

We are here to take  others with us to heaven.

The following verse is my guideline for being a dad, as well as a  minister to children.  I blow it all the time, and pretty much feel like a failure, but this is a promise of God to me, and to many others.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Jesus here is teaching us to pray to OUR heavenly and Holy Father, who lives in heaven. Heaven is our eternal reward because our Father lives there. ALL of  us will want to be there one day.

As a believer we deny ourselves and our wants to put ourselves in alignment with God’s will, just to be close to Him. We want His will to be accomplished on this planet, as well as in our lives. We want to be close to God as much as possible NOW, as well as in heaven. We can have heaven on earth if we walk closely to Him. We know that all things work out for His good, and ours by default, IF we are His.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,

Heaven is real. Jesus said it is. It exists now and is PERFECT! God is in control of Heaven. No cancer, no sickness, no anger, no riots. Heaven is perfection. God’s will is in accord with every being there. No strife, no contention because our Father RULES, and He is without fault.

It wasn’t always problem-free in heaven. At one time, Satan was the praise and worship leader there. He became proud (the root cause of all sin). He tried to revolt against God. God threw him, and his followers (about 1/3 of heaven’s population) out of heaven. Perfection can not tolerate one little bit of imperfection. God can not tolerate sin in heaven. His will IS done in heaven but His will is not being done yet on earth. What is the will of God? His Word reveals it.

Every saved person yearns for heaven. We understand that it is a beautifully finished work. No crying nor sadness. No pain nor suffering. That is God’s will for His children because He is our good Father. No normal Father wants to see His kids suffer, and God is a LOT better than a normal father. He doesn’t want us to be sick nor deprived, neither on this planet nor in the hereafter. He doesn’t want for us all the bad things that sin brings to us.

Our happiness is His will for us here on earth, not just for when we get to heaven. We will suffer on earth, but doing His will aleviates a lot of that,,, then there’s HEAVEN! Hope to see y’all there on that glorious day!

Romans 8:18
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.


—–Cielo (parte Oración del Señor 7)—–


Lucas 9:11 … ya que está en el cielo

Jesús nos enseña a orar a nuestro Padre celestial y Santo, que vive en el cielo. El cielo es nuestra recompensa eterna porque nuestro Padre vive allí.

Como creyente negamos a nosotros mismos y nuestros deseos de ponernos en alineación con la voluntad de Dios, para estar cerca de él. Queremos que su voluntad sea cumplida en este planeta, tanto en en nuestra vida. Nos permite estar cerca de Dios tanto como sea posible ahora, como en el cielo. Sabemos que todas las cosas pasan por para su bien, y la nuestra también.

Romanos 8:28 Y sabemos que todas las cosas ayudan a bien a los que aman a Dios,

El cielo es real. Jesús dijo que es. Es aquí ahora y es perfecto! Dios tiene el control de los cielos. No hay cáncer, ni enfermedad, ni la ira, no hay disturbios. El cielo es la perfección. La voluntad de Dios está de acuerdo con cada uno allí. Sin lucha, sin contención, porque Dios está allí, y Él es sin mancha.

No siempre era perfecto en el cielo. Satanás fue el líder de alabanza y adoración en el cielo, y se llenó de orgullo (la causa raíz de todo pecado). Él trató de rebelarse contra Dios. Él, y sus seguidores (alrededor de 1/3 de la población del cielo) fueron lanzado del cielo en un solo tiró. Dios no puede tolerar el pecado en cielo. Su voluntad es hecha en el cielo. Su voluntad no se está hecha todavía en la tierra.

Cada persona que es salva anhela el cielo. Entendemos que se trata de una obra muy bien terminada. Sin gritos ni tristeza. No hay dolor ni sufrimiento. Esa es la voluntad de Dios para sus hijos porque Él es nuestro Padre bueno. Ningún padre normal quiere ver a sus hijos sufren, y Dios es mucho mejor que un padre normal. Él no quiere que seamos enfermos ni deprivados. Él no quiere para nosotros todas las cosas malas que el pecado nos trae.

Nuestra felicidad es su voluntad para nosotros aquí en la tierra, no sólo para cuando lleguemos al cielo. Vamos a sufrir en la tierra, pero haciendo su voluntad quita mucho de eso ,,, y después el cielo!

Romanos 8:18 Considero que los sufrimientos del tiempo presente no son comparables con la gloria que será revelada en nosotros.


Dean Peters

Joyfully serving the ‘least of these’ in Nicaragua for the glory of God

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