
THIS (Lord’sPrayer Pt10) (Español abajo)


Matthew 6:11 Give us THIS…..

Jesus is very specific when He taught us to pray. When you pray for specifics, you have faith. You are PERSUADED that God is listening to your prayers, and you are asking for specific things.

Lots of prayers I hear when people (even pastors) pray are ‘fortune cookie’ prayers-prayers without thought or faith…. fortune cookies, mediums, fortune tellers, horoscope writers, good thought senders (a fb thing that makes NO SENSE) say very loose things intentionally open to a variety of interpretations. Sloppy, faithless and lazy prayers are them same. You can easily spot them because they almost always begin with the word BLESS and are spotted by popular christian expressions that make no sense.

I say fortune cookie because of an experience I once had.  A fortune cookie I opened once said ‘you are about to meet someone nice’. On the way out of the restaurant, the door keeper was very nice to me. I spoke at a church that night and everyone was nice. The information from the cookie was useless. A fortune cookie prayer is like that.  It is the same as sending positive thoughts. Useless.

An example of a Christianese useless prayer is some times two words, BLESS HIM. What on earth does that mean? A useless prayer request is an UNSPOKEN PRAYER REQUEST. People come up to me with unspoken prayer requests, I tell them I can not do that. If we do not know what we are praying for, it is a waste of time. I do pray for them, but it is that they understand prayer and learn how to pray.

When you are CONVINCED that your prayers are heard, you will NOT pray ‘fortune cookie’ prayers. When you pray for someone to be healed will you ask God to heal that person of a specific disease or injury, not just for God’s will to be done. Not just for general health. People don’t pray for exact things to happen because they sincerely doubt that they will. They especially won’t pray out loud because if they did pray specifically for something to happen and it didn’t, AWKWARD!

Everywhere in the Bible, sick people came up to Jesus and said ‘if thou wilt thou can heal me’, and every time He said ‘I WILL’. He said He wants to! Why do we doubt?

Luke 5:12 “And it came to pass, when he [Jesus] was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy; who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.”. Jesus answered, as always ‘I will’.

An inspecific prayer really is a faithless prayer. Glibly asking for God’s will to be done may sound spiritual, but that’s a wrong assumption. I can say that because I am guilty. These warm and fuzzy prayers are an indicator that we are really not believing for anything miraculous to happen. We are praying in ignorance. We have been taught by millions of well meaning Christians to pray like that. I still pray like that sometimes if I don’t catch myself, but then I realize I am being faithless and lazy.When you pray for specifics, you are putting it all out there. You are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment OR VICTORY. It takes courage to pray for THIS SPECIFIC THING.  It doesn’t take courage to pray fortune cookie prayers. FAINT is Bible for COWARDICE.  JESUS in Luke 18.1 said to Pray and NOT FAINT!  Don’t be a scaredy cat when you pray, pray with FAITH.

God’s will is being done, every day, in very specific ways. Prayers for exactly expressed super natural miracles happen by the millions every day.  People get saved and healed. Lives and families are restored. People do well. That’s God’s will. Praying according to God’s will is a given. Jesus wants us to already be in His will when we are praying, so we ask Him for things with precision, in faith (fully persuaded, NOT COWARDLY). If that happens we will never get a NO or NOT YET.  We shouldn’t pray for God to be on our side, we should pray to be on God’s side of things.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

It seems like God has said ‘no’ a lot to me and other people I know in life.  Maybe we were asking for the wrong things, outside of His will, and without faith. We can not change God’s will, no matter how much we ask or beg. No matter how much God loves us. Look at David with his dying son. David was outside of God’s will.

2 Samuel 12:16 ‘David prayed to God for the baby. David fasted and went into his house and stayed there, lying on the ground all night’…… later on when he heard that The Baby died, David got up, washed and worshipped the lord…

This is true in all aspects of our prayer-life. Jesus said to ask God specifically to give us Food for Today. THIS day., because It’s our Father’s will to take care of us. To feed us right now, not to just keep us fed in the future. We need to eat today, THIS day, not just sometime this year. Not only for food, but courage, faith, belief, love, water, air, money; home, transportation, ALL OF OUR NEEDS just to get us through another day.

Surgically accurate prayers apply to salvation as well.  I don’t pray for God to save people because He has already done all the work necessary to save us. I ask God to remove the blinders of this world from someone’s eyes so they can be saved, and any other things I see specifically impeding them from accepting Jesus into their lives. I mention blinders because that’s what I experienced when I got saved. It was like I could see suddenly and once I could, I gladly accepted Jesus into my life as Lord and Savior.

God wants everyone saved, but we need to pray about real hinderances that vary from person to person. Every lost person out there has something that keeps them from understanding how easy it is for them to understand and receive the Good News.

God likes the word THIS, and it’s specificity. THIS is where we are called. THIS IS OUR MISSION! I am here in THIS country (NICARAGUA) for the rest of my life, as far as I can see, THIS is God’s will. THIS is HIS will for us. To be here, to help traumatized toddlers and lost youth to know THIS GoodNews, The ONLY good news. OUR KIDS KNOW THIS! THAT JESUS LOVES THEM, AND WE DO TOO.

Ambiguity of mission or location is fatal to any work of the Lord. ‘Holy Ghost Hobos and GlobeTrotters’ without any calling nor purpose are neither of the Holy Ghost nor scriptural. To be on THIS mission from God, we have to know what THIS mission is.  Our ministry is our calling.  We let everyone know what we do so we can help more people. So we can get backing in prayer, specific prayer.

Just walking around blessing people is what us Christians do on our time off,, that is how we have fun.  No one knows when we do that , nor how much we do. That is between us and the Lord.Being a secret blessing dispenser is what every Christian I know is.

Matthew 6:3
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,

The above verse applies to what we do on our down time, not with our calling.  Please listen to this song THIS I KNOW, Jesus loves me

Psalm 41:11 By THIS I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me.

—-Great News—


We have already raised $2000 towards fixing up the Winnerhome to be able to bring in 5 toddlers to live with us so we can raise them in a Christian atmosphere. Thank you for your quick response!

NOTE! Money came in for Step 1, Enclosed playground, church and meeting hall construction almost completed,  pictures folllow,, thank you!

Pray for;

1. FUNDS for Rapid completion of the storage area,  and finishing their room (teams and volunteer constrution guys always welcome) $16,000 estimated to complete this project.

2. FUNDS for A van (our car’s on the last leg and is too small for us and 5 toddlers, per government regulations.)  $15,000 used price for a mechanically sound one.

3. Wisdom, alertness and energy for the staff, Winnie and I. Instead of the liabilities of hiring unknown people we are just letting the present staff help us and pay overtime, as well as some of the girls we have already raised over the years.

4. Continued favor with the Nicaraguan government. We have one more inspection once we have everything done.

thank you!

Dean and Winnie Peters
Serving Joyfully the Least of These in Managua Nicaragua

Look us up on Facebook Dean andWinnie Peters


ESTE (nuestro Padre PT10)

Mateo 6:11 Danos ESTE…..

Jesús es muy específico cuando Él nos enseñó a orar. Cuando oras específicamente, se tiene fe. Está convencido de que Dios escucha sus oraciones, y que está pidiendo cosas específicas. Un montón de oraciones que escucho (incluso los pastores) son oraciones ‘galleta de la fortuna’ …. galletas de la fortuna, mediums, adivinos, escritores horóscopo, buenas pensamientos enviados (una cosa de facebook que no tiene sentido) dicen cosas muy sueltos abierto a una variedad de interpretaciónes intencionalmente.

Una galleta de la fortuna una vez dijo ‘usted está a punto de conocer a alguien agradable’. A la salida del restaurante, el portero de la puerta era muy agradable. Habló en una iglesia esa noche. todos fueron buenos. La información de la cookie era inútil. También son las oraciones sin fe.

Cuando usted está convencido de que sus oraciones son escuchadas, NO vas a hacer oraciones ‘galleta de la fortuna’. Cuando ores para que alguien sea sanado va a pedir a Dios para curar a esa persona de una enfermedad o lesión específica, no sólo por la voluntad de Dios sea hecha. No sólo para la salud en general.

En todas partes de la Biblia donde los enfermos se acercaron a Jesús y dijeron ‘si tú quieres tú me puedes curar’, y cada vez El dijo dijo: ‘si! YO quiero’.

Lucas 05:12 “Y sucedió que, cuando él [Jesús] estaba en una ciudad, he aquí un hombre lleno de lepra; que ver a Jesús cayó sobre su rostro, y le rogó, diciendo: Señor, si quieres, puedes limpiarme.”. Respondió Jesús, como siempre ‘yo quiero’.

Una oración inspecific es realmente una oración sin fe. Volublemente pidiendo la voluntad de Dios sea hecha puede sonar espiritual, pero eso es una suposición equivocada. Estas oraciones son cálidos y difusos de alguien que realmente no crea que un milagro va a suceder. Ellos están orando en la ignorancia. Se les han enseñado por cristianos bien intencionados en la forma de orar. Todavía oro así a veces, pero luego me di cuenta de que estoy siendo infiel y perezoso.

La voluntad de Dios esta siendo realizado cada día, todos los días, de forma muy específica. La gente acepte el Señor y se curare. Vidas y familias se restauran. La gente hace bien. Esa es la voluntad de Dios. Orar según la voluntad de Dios es posible. Jesús quiere que estemos en su voluntad cuando estamos orando, así que se lo pidan las cosas con precisión.

Parece que Dios ha dicho ‘no’ a mí y otras personas que conozco en la vida, pero tal vez que estábamos pidiendo las cosas mal, fuera de su voluntad. No podemos cambiar la voluntad de Dios. Mire David cuando estuvo fuera del voluntad de Dios. Su estuvo muriendo.

2 Samuel 12:16 David rogó a Dios por el bebé. David ayunó y entró en su casa y se quedó allí, tendido en el suelo durante toda la noche’ …… más adelante, cuando se enteró de que el bebé murió, David se levantó, se lavó y adoró al Señor …

Esto es cierto en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida de oración. Jesús dijo a pedirle a Dios que nos dan comida para hoy. Porque fue conforme a la voluntad de Dios. Para alimentar a nosotros en este momento, no sólo para mantenernos alimentados en el futuro. Necesitamos comer hoy en día, el día de hoy, no sólo este año. No sólo la comida, pero la fe, creencia, amor, agua, aire, dinero; hogar, transporte, todas nuestras necesidades.

Oraciones quirúrgicamente precisas aplican a la salvación también. No ores a Dios para salvar a la gente, porque Él ya ha hecho todo el trabajo necesario para salvarnos. Le pido a Dios que quite las vendas de los ojos de alguien para que puedan ver y ser salvados, y cualesquiera otras cosas que veo que les impide aceptar a Jesús en sus vidas. Mencioné vendas porque eso es lo que experimenté cuando fui salvo. Era como si pudiera ver de pronto y una vez que pude, con mucho gusto aceptó a Jesús en mi vida como Señor y Salvador.

Dios quiere que todos seamos salvaos, pero tenemos que orar contra distintas cosas reales que varían de persona a persona. Cada persona perdida por ahí tiene algo que les impide comprender lo fácil que es para ellos entender y recibir las buenas nuevas.

A Dios le gusta la palabra esto, y que es la especificidad. Aquí es donde estamos llamados. ESTA MISIÓN Estoy aquí en este país (NICARAGUA) para el resto de mi vida, por lo que yo puedo ver es la voluntad de Dios. Esta es su voluntad para nosotros. Para estar aquí, para ayudar a los niños traumatizados y la juventud perdida saber esto GoodNews, el único goodnews.

NUESTROS NIÑOS saben esto! Que Jesús ama a ellos. La ambigüedad de la misión o la ubicación es fatal para cualquier trabajo si es del Señor. ‘Vagos de Espíritu Santo y trotamundos’ sin ninguna llamada ni propósito no son del Espíritu Santo.

Salmo 41:11 Por esto sé que te he agradado, Que mi enemigo no se holgará de mí.

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