Psalm 33:18 The Lord watches over those who obey him, those who trust in his constant love. I love how the Good News Translation says obey instead of fear, as the King James Version would say. It’s more understandable for a kid. Don’t get me wrong, the KJV tells to “fear the Lord”, which works […]
I lost my spiritual ‘son’ today
Although he was my ‘son’ spiritually, he was so much more advanced than I could ever be. JOSE NAPOLEON VILLALTA!PRESENTE! QDP Napo! So. I lost my spiritual ‘son’ today. I put son in quotes because although I had the opportunity to introduce Napoleon to Jesus, he blew past me spiritually. Napoleon Villalta died during his […]
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. The middle word of prIde is I ! In teaching through the Bible again, God always shows me completely different things. It takes a long time to teach the Bible. Families change, friends come and go. Donors as well. The […]
2 Timothy 4:9 For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world Just listened to Pastor David Rosales delivering an excellent message on Demas. So good, it left me dwelling on it all day. Pastor David’s message covered everything about Demas. I could never do it justice. I don’t want to build upon […]
Happy Nica Mother’s Day Winnie didn’t want to have her picture taken because she was sad (missing our own kids who are studying in the states). Jessica and Cindy, who basically were raised by Winnie, look at her as their mom. So they jumped in and saved the day. Winnie has lots and lots of […]
1 Cor 13: 4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; We just got a new puppy named Remi. She never gets angry. Never holds a grudge. 0 […]
Symphony or Sympathy
Are you seeking a Symphony for God or Sympathy from man? Acts 16:25 … at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God (in prison) Suddenly an earthquake shook the prison, their shackles fell off, the walls came down, and they were free to go. Lots of churches teach (and correctly so) […]
People keep asking me about ‘going and making disciples’. I don’t know if you know this but I’ve been leading an hour long Bible study for up to12 people 6 times a week for years now. I know how wonderful it feels to teach the Bible, exposition-ally, line upon line. I can never stop doing […]
Doin Nuttin
DoinNuttin isn’t a claim to innocence. We are called to be ‘DoinSumpin’ not ‘DoinNuttin’. Those who are obeying the call to do something, do so because they believe in the One who is calling them, and believe that the call is real. Pureheart Update – WE STILL ARE DOING EVERYTHING WE CAN TO BRING […]
To influence others you have to be in their lives The following is a weekly blog of my missions experience and my take away from what I feel God has shown me this week. Also to help me to process the good the bad and the ugly. If it’s too long, or painful that’s […]