
Proverbs 12:20 Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but those who plan peace have joy.

People think they sound spiritual when they say ‘make God laugh by telling Him your plans’.   That’s wrong Thinking.  God wants us to plan!

god doesn’t laugh at plans.  Even the
Plans made by people who are lost. in fact they make God sad.  Their plans exclude God, makes sense, and many complete their short term and trivial plans without God.  This makes them proud, which separates them even further from God who only wants to be their Loving Father.  If their plans are to hurts God’s kids, then That’s another story.  God does indeed laugh at the wicked then.

Psalms 37:12-29 The wicked make evil plans against good people. They grind their teeth at them in anger. But the Lord laughs at the wicked. He sees that their day is coming.

Father God doesn’t like it when the enemy wants to hurt His babies.  God loves The people who want to love on His kids.

Groups seek to hook up with PureHeart often, especially since we made it through a foiled coup and the covid thing without a scratch.  Last men standing seem to get more opportunities.Asma Naz in Islambad Pakistan is now our partner and we are working out the details with Misty Gotham’s Harriet Tubman Org (rescuing young ladies from prostitution in my home town, Burton Ohio). Samaritans Intern’l (Patrick Brown) is always ready.  YWAMs around the world bless us from time to time, as well as Sean G Park’s mission group and Pastor Cristian Leon Jaén, Cristo Para La Ciudad-Christ for the Cities’.  Also Dan Streit’s ‘Kingdom Coalition for Kids’ has shouldered up with us as well as a few local, US  and international churches.  As you know, we run our day to day operating expenses the Marc Ivanchak’s GraceLifeOutReach

Godly people and Godly organizations always add so much to our efficiency.  It’s easy to plan with them because they believe like us and we are all rowing in the same direction which is  To proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and to give all glory to Him.  People truly following God’s plan are led by God and that means that they don’t quit. We all have the same plan, and we’re not going anywhere. God’s plan!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

As we plan to bless God, God plans to bless us.  IF a believer doesn’t plan on being a blessing to God and to others this year (other than his immediate circle of family that is), can he possibly be a true believer?

How do we plan to bless God?  New Years resolutions are a great first step.  The same guy that believes that our plans are amusing to God is the same guy that preaches against New Years Resolutions.  

Here are my plans. (New years resolutions)

  1. Using radical Christian friends , who are doing the same thing as me, who are taking the same beatings as Me on a daily basis, as accountability partners.

(A) Sean Parks is going to read the Bible cover to cover with me in 2022.  

(B) My beautiful wife Winnie Peters is helping me to loose weight.

(C) Harry Artola Ramirez  taught me some weight lifting routines that I am going back to.  

(D) Plan for joy in 2022.  Have a better idea?  Plan to be joyous, in all things count it all joy!

(E) Cristian Leon Jaén has a great 3 am prayer group that I am going to get back in on.

(F) Men of Faith, with great brothers like Martin Mendez, John J Stanley and Roberto Duran have a fantastic zoom support group as well as Joe Spinosi from cCOB    

  1. Plan on blessing God by blessing others.  
  2. Plan by having and making plans. Write it down! Habacuc 2:2
  3.  Hearing from God (reading His Word, inhaling).
  4. Talking to God, evangelizing and sharing with other like minded believers, exhaling).
  5. to be a more effective witness and leader for Jesus. I can’t make myself prettier or I would work on that too.  I can loose weight though, and be in better shape with more energy.  I find high energy with me means a good nature with stronger leadership and teaching skills.
  6. Acquiring property large enough for an old folks home and orphanage on the same property.
  7. Maintaining our school, feeding centers, scholarship and medical programs.  In general blessing the least of these in the name of Jesus, as Christ has blessed us.
  8. more jesus less dean.  Kinder and gentler, slow to speak and to anger.  Listen more, talk less.
  9. Let people, relationships and blessings come to mez don’t push, chase or persist.  If They don’t return A text or call, it’s not God’s will.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  I don’t have pictures because I only have a smart phone right now at my disposal but here are two professional videos of PureHeart (thanks to Solon) Christmas 2021   PHCF overview

Happy New Year!!

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