10 easy ways to see if what your favorite charity is donation worthy.

Check List before donating to charities
10 easy ways to see if what your charity is donation worthy.
1. Do they respond quickly to any inquiry? *email, mail, or phone* Is their information up to date?
2. Are they easy to communicate with, and answer your all questions in a forthright manner? Or do they have to have a quick private meeting before answering them.
3. Are they easy going and friendly, instead of harsh and too the point? Do you feel uncomfortable asking them questions. Do they make you feel like you are nosey for wanting to what where your hard earned money goes to?
4. Are they transparent, and are their board members transparent as well? Do they welcome you with open arms when you come unannounced? They may be busy, that is understandable, but are they gracious?
5. Do they let you see and visit the people you are supposedly helping?
6. Do they care if you come in on them unannounced? Are you encouraged to just hang around, visit with the staff etc? *of course within limits*
7. Are you encouraged to come visit out before sending a check?
8. Can you just drop by, or can you come only when there is an activity?
9. Are their financials available to all? Both what they are getting in and what they are doing with the money once they get it?
10. If you see the founder in the street, will he even kind enough to say hi?
IF you can’t say yes to every one of these items, DO NOT DONATE. I have been at this for 3 decades. EVERY agency that has failed at one or more of these points have been rip offs.
Charities are needed. Con artists and fakes aren’t.
Dean AndWinnie Peters

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