Fake News

Fake News (scroll down for SPANISH)

Exodus 23:1 – Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.

Like everyone, I have heard a piece of FakeNews and have passed it on.  The shame I felt when someone showed me it was a lie.  I don’t watch the news nor share rumors anymore because of that reason. I am finding out that most news and rumors aren’t true.  Not even from Christian missionaries, so I hardly repeat anything anymore.

People ask about Nicaragua. I have lost friends over this, but I refuse to talk about things I haven’t personally witnessed. I don’t have horror stories to tell.  I refrain from arguments on facebook.  We haven’t had one problem. Police are courteous.  Civil servants are kind, energetic and helpful (better than in the states).  There have been no problems, whatsoever.  Any mission that has closed down a school or activity in Nicaragua has done so for financial reasons, not for imminent threat.

I think the reason for a lot of FakeNews is that a lot of people just want to leave Nicaragua for greener grass and are just exaggerating things  to make it look like they’re not just trying to live in America or Costa Rica.  That’s just my opinion.  There may be SOME justification, but I think most people that are having problems here have brought it upon themselves.

THERE ARE NO GOVERNMENTAL CONSPIRACIES HERE AGAINST AMERICANS NOR USA MISSION GROUPS.  If you are arguing, doing and saying negative things you will probably get into trouble with people on the opposite side of the fence, but that’s on you.

From what we have seen in our travels and work here, Nicaragua is pretty much back to normal after the social-political struggles from last April.  Bad things happened and continue to happen here and there, (as in any country) but we haven’t personally seen nor witnessed anything negative.

The biggest struggle is the economy.  That’s where the people I serve get hit.  They are already poor so they don’t go to college (which is where all the social unrest started, and the harsh consequences resulting from it).  Now with 100,000 additional jobs lost, they are poorer than ever.

Winnie and I don’t see anything negative.  The places that God has put our ministry is in the garbage dumps and impoverished countryside. We don’t follow the news, because it seems to be all lies. Just google Nicaragua and you will see the wild contradictions.  No one knows the real story, especially those of us who actually live here day to day,  We are just trying to just focus on the mission that God has called us to.

The demonstrations and most of the violence happen by the universities and shopping malls, where we don’t go.  I don’t know of anything negative that’s going on.  Well, with the exception of a friend who works for the cruise line told me that the first cruise ship came into port this week.  Of the 3,000 or so tourists aboard, only 20 came off the ship.  I lay the blame directly at the feet of the exaggerators and the spreaders of FakeNews.

FakeNews is on all sides here, by all people. Even US citizens. Many Americans have left Nicaragua since April. The problem is they tend to stay connected with people that are actually here, through social media and embellish on ‘here say’ and rumors.  Then, because of anger, or just looking for donations, they turn it around saying it’s things that they have personally witnessed.  If the person is not physically living here, do not donate money. It is a scam.

One said he was an eye-witness of an atrocity, which turned out was only that he saw a video of a video. Another group said they HAD TO smuggle in food to Nicaragua, pay bribes to do it? (Winnie & I and other honorable groups I know of in Managua have served millions of people here without ever paying a penny in bribes that we know of, nor associate with those who do).

Although there is a little inflation, but you can buy anything you want here, at reasonable prices. There isn’t blood flowing in the streets, nor death squads; as many would have you to believe either.  We’ve been bringing in visitors and teams this whole time and haven’t had any problems.

FakeNews is prevalent in the states too.  That’s why there is so much hatred going on in America as well as in Nicaragua.  Nothing good comes from FakeNews.

Even if you have to turn off the internet and TV for good, it is better than filling your heart with hate from FakeNews. Ignorance is better than a head full of lies. The problem with FakeNews is simply THAT!  It’s a lie (sin).

John 8:44 – .. the devil……abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I have been always taught that if you repeat a lie it’s a lie.  If you repeat FakeNews you are a FakeNews reporter, helping the father of lies.

I would much rather be a GoodNews reporter, helping our Heavenly Father spread the News of His great love for us, no matter what side we are on.

Dean AndWinnie Peters  reporting live from  Nicaragua, on behalf of the Good Good Father of Truth…

Proverbs 25:25 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.

My ‘new’ favorite song, Good Good Father



Éxodo 23: 1: No levantarás un informe falso: no pongas tu mano con el impío para ser un testigo injusto.

Como todos, he escuchado una falsa noticia y la repitió. Me siento una vergüenza cuando alguien me muestra era una mentira.  Miro y comparto las noticias cada vez menos por esa razón. Me estoy dando cuenta de que la mayoría de las noticias no son ciertas, por lo cual casi no repito nada.

La gente pregunta por nicaragua. He perdido amigos por esto, pero me niego a hablar de cosas que no he presenciado personalmente. No tengo historias de terror que contar. Por lo que hemos visto en nuestros viajes y trabajo aquí, Nicaragua ha vuelto a la normalidad después de las luchas socio-políticas del pasado abril.

Las cosas malas sucedieron y siguen ocurriendo aquí, (como en cualquier país), pero personalmente no hemos visto ni presenciado nada.

La lucha más grande aquí es la economía. Ahí es donde golpean a las personas que sirvo. Son pobres, por lo que no van a la universidad (que es donde comenzaron todos los disturbios sociales y las duras consecuencias que esto conlleva).

Winnie y yo no vemos nada negativo, porque el lugar que Dios ha colocado en nuestro ministerio es en los basureros y en el campo empobrecido. No seguimos la noticia, porque no es verdadera. Googlear a Nicaragua y verás las contradicciones. Nadie conoce la verdadera historia, especialmente aquellos de nosotros que vivimos aquí día a día.

Las manifestaciones y la mayor parte de la violencia dicen que pasan por las universidades y centros comerciales, a los que no acudimos.

No sé nada de lo que está pasando, excepto que un amigo que trabaja para una línea de cruceros me dijo que el primer crucero llegó al puerto esta semana. De los aproximadamente 3,000 turistas a bordo, solo 20 salieron del barco. Echo la culpa directamente a los pies de ‘FakeNews’ (NoticiasFalsas).

FakeNews está en todos lados, por todas las personas. Incluso los ciudadanos estadounidenses. Muchos estadounidenses han salido de Nicaragua desde abril. El problema es que tienden a estar conectados con las personas que realmente están aquí a través de las redes sociales y embellecen a los rumores. Luego, debido al enojo, lo cambian diciendo que son cosas que han presenciado personalmente. Uno dijo que fue testigo ocular de una atrocidad, que resultó ser que vio un video de un video. Otro grupo dijo que tenían que contrabandear comida, pagar sobornos para hacerlo? (Winnie, yo y otros grupos honorables en Managua han servido a millones de personas aquí sin siquiera pagar un centavo en sobornos).

Aunque hay un poco de inflación, puedes comprar lo que quieras aquí, y no hay sangre fluyendo en las calles como muchos te harían creer. Hemos estado trayendo visitantes y equipos todo este tiempo y no hemos tenido ningún problema.

FakeNews es frecuente en los estados también. Por eso hay tanto odio en Estados Unidos como en Nicaragua. Nada bueno viene de FakeNews.

Si tienes que apagar Internet y el tele para siempre, es mejor que llenar tu corazón con odio. La ignorancia es mejor que una cabeza llena de mentiras. El problema con FakeNews es simplemente QUE! Es una mentira (pecado).

Juan 8:44 – .. el diablo …… no habita en la verdad, porque no hay verdad en él. Cuando habla una mentira, habla por sí mismo: porque es un mentiroso, y el padre de ella.

Siempre me han enseñado que si repites una mentira es mentira. Si repites FakeNews, eres un reportero de FakeNews, ayudando al padre de las mentiras.

Preferiría ser un reportero de GoodNews!

Dean AndWinnie Peters informando en vivo desde Good Good Father of Truth …

Proverbios 25:25 Como aguas frías para un alma sedienta, también lo son las buenas noticias de un país lejano.

Mi ‘nueva’ canción favorita, buen buen padre


Dean and Winnie Peters

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