
POWER (Lord’sPrayer Pt19) (Español abajo) -Progress on the Winner home for at-risk girls see below- Matthew 6:13 for Thine is the kingdom, the POWER.. A bullet is innocent enough.  Until you are at the receiving end of one that’s been fired.  I laugh at TV where the hero is hiding behind drywall or a couch for […]


THINE (Lord’sPrayer Pt18) (Español abajo) -Progress on the Winnerhome for at-risk girls see below- Matthew 6:13 for THINE is the kingdom… A pastor in Nigeria lost his wife and children violently in a time of tribal war. Not unlike today in Nigeria. Above this pastor’s desk is simple a plaque saying; “The Lord gave, and the […]


Giving hope to at-risk children in Nicaragua EVIL Evil (Lord’sPrayer Pt17) (Español abajo) Matthew 6:13 But deliver us from EVIL. Christianity is always a process. Getting saved by running into the arms of Jesus is the easy part. Walking out your faith afterwards is the extremely difficult part, DEFINITELY NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED! Seems that […]


Lead (Lord’sPrayer Pt15) (Español abajo) Matthew 6:13.  Lead us NOT…. (scroll down for progress on the WINNER HOME FOR AT-RISK GIRLS) If we are God’s children, He leads us, whether we ask Him too or not.  He also does NOT lead us into things, whether we ask Him too or not. That doesn’t mean that […]


DEBTS (Lord’sPrayer Pt14) (Español abajo) (scroll down for progress on the WINNER HOME FOR AT-RISK GIRLS) Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our DEBTS, as we forgive our DEBTORS. Jesus’ followers wanted to learn how to pray like He did because they saw RESULTS. They were CONVINCED AND COMPLETELY PERSUADED that when Jesus prayed, it was […]


Forgive (Lord’sPrayer Pt13) (Español abajo) (scroll down for progress on the WINNER HOME FOR AT-RISK GIRLS) Matthew 6:12 And FORGIVE us our debts, as we FORGIVE our debtors. Forgiveness is an acquired skill. As we forgive, we are forgiven. As we REALLY realize how forgiven we are by God, the easier it is for us to […]


DAY (Lord’sPrayer Pt11) (Español abajo) SCROLL DOWN FOR PROGRESS ON THE HOME FOR AT-RISK GIRLS Matthew 6:11 KJV Give us this DAY… NIV says.. Give us today! I love that! TODAY is more real for me than THIS DAY. Today is all that matters to those who are interested in bringing the kingdom of God down to earth. Yesterday […]


THIS (Lord’sPrayer Pt10) (Español abajo) SCROLL DOWN FOR PROGRESS ON WINNER HOME FOR AT-RISK GIRLS. Matthew 6:11 Give us THIS….. Jesus is very specific when He taught us to pray. When you pray for specifics, you have faith. You are PERSUADED that God is listening to your prayers, and you are asking for specific things. […]